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How to Make $10,000 a Month Online in 2024

How to Make $10,000 a Month Online in 2024

Okay, let’s not kid ourselves—who wouldn’t want to be raking in $10,000 month after month without ever needing to set foot outside the door? Sometimes that sounds too good to be true. But here is the thing—it is possible! Not as easy as a pie—you can be sure of that. So, if somebody tries to sell you on a “get rich in a blink of an eye” scheme, just thank them with a smile and take your leave.

Here comes the biggest secret no one dares to tell you—all you need to make $10,000 in a month on the Internet is a plan. You don’t have to be a wizard with a computer or keep a wand under your pillow. What you do need is strategy, a whole lot of patience, and the right kind of business model. It’s like baking a cake. You don’t miss a single step in a recipe and expect it to turn out amazing. Same principle. But fear not—it’s not nuclear science.

So, first things first. There are multiple ways to get to the $10,000 income mark. You probably know some examples of friends or public figures regularly hitting the target. But remember—they aren’t fairy tales coming out of someone’s imagination. These ideas are tested and proven. Whether you have a dream of creating an online shop to sell handmade jewelry, turning your blog into a business, or starting with affiliate marketing—you all find a piece of your fortune below.

Now, hold on a second; there is no need to pretend that making $10,000 online is a breeze. I’ve been there myself—you start with so much enthusiasm and energy, with the picture of your lazy mornings and early retirements hanging in your head. I learned the hard way that is not going to be smooth.

There were a couple of nights when I found myself kneeling before my laptop with a question “What am I even doing?” Hardly a smiley experience. Trust me—at 2 AM you don’t want to start over with a new blog post.

The catch is that with time, you get the grip of what you do and get a better recipe. The magic words are focus and consistency.

Remember how you plant a tree and wait for it to grow? There isn’t much to continue that metaphor—a tree needs sunlight and water, not sure about consistent attention or a sweet voice. But you got the point. So here is a question for $10,000—what is the best way for you to make the most of it?

I’ve already let the secret out of the bag—there isn’t a single one-size-fits-all way for anyone to get rich. The best scheme depends on your personality and what you love doing. Take writing. If that gives you a kick—start a blog or meet your first clients for freelance writing.

Can’t spend a minute of your day without social media? It’s time to think of Instagram fame, don’t you think? Or probably start with social media management. Otherwise, it’s all up to you. But remember one thing—if you are dedicated and put your heart and soul into what you do, success is bound to come. A friend of mine started with an Etsy shop of her handmade candles. Slowly but steadily, as she mastered marketing, it turned into a six-figure business!

Nothing is stopping you from reaching that level of success. Just don’t get too anxious—take baby steps and be shocked when your monthly income starts meeting the $10,000 mark. Okay, not shocked, we don’t approve of that here. Pleasantly surprised.

10 Clear Ways to Make 100% Money Online in 2024

Finally, $10,000 a month online is 100% possible. If you’re willing to work a little bit, stay focused, and, most importantly, believe that you can, it should be a piece of cake for you. So, are you game? Let’s dive a little bit deeper and see how to make it all happen. Believe me, if I can pull this off, so can you! Let’s go.


Now, what do you say? Are you ready to enter the world of freelancing? Spoiler alert: it is a pretty exciting game sometimes. No matter whether it’s just a side hustle you’re looking for, or have every intention of turning it into your full-time niche, freelancing is one of the most effective ways to max out your income. It’s especially true if you’re equipped with the right skills.


First things first, what should you come up with in the first place? Honestly, it’s easy. The basic concept of high-paying freelancing is in your ability to offer highly-demanded services. Let’s face it, businesses and entrepreneurs all over the world are eager to hire professionals for web development, graphic design, copywriting, digital marketing, and video editing. All these items of high demand are also on a gig boom these days. The double win is that all these occupations don’t require you to be tied to a dull office cubicle from 9 to 5. A telephone with an Internet connection will suffice.

Moreover, you can approach such platforms as Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer, sign up, create your account, and demonstrate all your skills and achievements. This is sometimes like fishing: sometimes you’ll get a nibble offering small projects, but occasionally, you’ll catch a big one. Here’s a hint: the more you narrow your specialization, the more you can charge. Instead of becoming yet another common web developer, you could focus on, say, eсommerce sites or WordPress development. And here you go, a high-level specialist. And specialized professionals earn more money. Oh, and don’t forget to compensate for your expertise with a fantastic portfolio!

Also, let me tell you from personal experience, that getting that first gig will feel amazing! I remember when I got my first independent project, it was not huge but definitely boosted my confidence to keep going. You’ll probably be doing a mini fist dance every time your first payment hits your account. if we can add an emoji here would be great.

How it works

But you probably wonder “How do I actually earn $10,000 as a freelancer?” That’s a good question. It is all about charging the right rates and putting in the hours. Now let’s break it down, according to the typical freelance rates of 50$-100$ an hour, you will need to work about 100-200 hours to meet that goal.

Pretty doable, right? Not so fast. Let me tell you the main Forex trading secret – consistency. You will have to secure enough clients and projects to keep that money coming. However, it is not about working more; it is about working smarter. Often it is possible to increase those rates by being an expert in what you do. I mean it can be as simple as this: you start with $50 an hour and after a good 3 reviews for 5 stars you raise it to $75, then $100. Boom! Before you know it, you will be virtually buried in projects and meeting your income goals faster than snails.

And instead of doing it in a smelly office, you will be sitting on your favorite couch at home or your favorite coffee shop, because, let’s be real, we freelancers do love our coffee. Tada, I think we can end with something like this.

I just love working from home. Wake up whenever I feel like it, not having to use pesky public transport, saving heaps on work clothes, and my commute is a few steps. If that sounds appealing to you, read on!

Why Freelancing?

To put it simply, working for yourself is the ultimate goal. Marketing consultant, graphic designer, web developer, whatever your chosen career path is, you’re doing it on your terms. But where will the time go? Once you decide what you’re going to do, the next challenge is getting customers. Who knew you’d have to be a salesperson too? Be patient, young grasshopper, your time will come. No one’s saying it will be easy or quick, but it is definitely a route that works.

Ready to Take the Leap?

If there’s a skill you’re already good at and need is high, go for it. Thanks to Upwork and Fiverr, you can set up your own account and advertise your services to businesses and entrepreneurs who already need them. Stick at it, keep learning, and dare to raise your prices as you gain experience. You may find that very soon you will be making $10,000 this year, and even more, for something you love. Agreed, this is me spending money, but who’s to stop me?

So where should you start? Please feel free to comment on how long you think it will take before you start to see success as a freelancer.

2. E-commerce (Selling Products Online)

So, you’re thinking about diving into the world of e-commerce? Awesome choice! I mean, what could be more exciting than turning your passion into a business you can run from your couch—in your pajamas? Whether you’re selling hand-knitted scarves or digital art prints, there’s a spot for you in the world of online sales.

What to Do: Start Your Online Store

So, you have made up your mind to try yourself in e-commerce? Good choice! Because, really, what can be better than turning your hobby into a business you can run from your couch in your pajamas? Whether you are into hand-knitted scarves or digital art printings, you can find your perfect place in the realm of online sales.

How to Start: Create Your Own Store

Undoubtedly, the first thing you are going to need is a platform. Temporary magic! Do Shopify, Etsy, or Amazon FBA say anything to you? Not only do these sound like popular music styles for people who have grown over the age of 30, but also it is how some of the biggest online stores start. Several years ago, I watched my friends launching Etsy accounts to sell their handmade jewelry. Today, these crafty little creatures are showing off their real skills by selling digital planners on Shopify! So let’s face it: you can sell literally anything, starting from the clothes your dog hates to wear to the secret recipe of your grandma’s cookies – presented as an eBook, in case you are wondering.

Pro tip: Narrow down your search! Please, try not to be that online store selling literally everything they stumble upon. First of all, it is too much for potential customers, and, secondly, it is too much for you! Please, come up with something more specific. Let it be eco-friendly photo albums or, hell, clothes for your dog, with matching items for you. What can I say, people absolutely love this!

How it Works: Secret Steps to Success

Congratulations! You have already found your perfect platform and launched an amazing store. Slightly sad but true: even the best product cannot change the world if no one knows about it. That is why your mission is to find a free niche and apply some cool marketing strategies. Yeah, I know what you are thinking now: “And where do I get the money for all these?” I swear you do not need to spend all your savings on advertising. You only have to become a bit more creative.

Let’s imagine you are selling some handmade candles that smell like holidays spent on a beach. Right away, you can launch an Instagram campaign with pics of your candles and some cheeky captions like “Smells like a Hawaiian beach day minus the sunburn”. Alternatively, if you are fond of SEO, optimize your production descriptions so that people can learn about “best holiday-themed candles” next time they search for something on Google! And that is it! Your secret of success is uncovered: now you have a super trendy store that brings you more than $ 10,000 monthly.

Amazing fact: just like everyone else, you can also give dropshipping a try. This means you can take the orders while a third party delivers the product to your buyer. You spend money on nothing but get your profit – not a bad deal, huh?


Finally, after reading all this, you think something like, “Oh no, it is too much for me, I am not doing this”. Do not forget you are not launching into a spaceship! Shopping online can be really fun, beginning with the moment when you choose what to sell and finishing with the one where you create your brand.

Believe me, you and your tiny store are going to become totally cool! And please do not take it too seriously: online selling is not only a million dollars it can bring to you! It is, first of all, about sharing your own love and passion with everyone in the world. So, if your thing is quirky mugs or exclusive art printings, sell them and let your store be all about you! Assistant from Smartmockups

3. Affiliate Marketing

Have you ever thought about how people make money online without selling any products? The answer is simple, welcome to the world of affiliate marketing! It is like being a middleman, but instead of just being a connection, you get a nice commission every time someone makes a purchase using your referral. Let’s break it down, it is not as complicated as it sounds.

What to Do

There is a chance that you already know that there are people who make their living by blogging or making videos on YouTube. This is where the affiliate marketing comes in! Here is how it works, you promote products of other people’s companies by using the affiliate link. You might write a blog post, make a YouTube video, or simply share the link to the internet. The product you are talking about should be something that you, yourself, believe in and that is relevant to you and your content.

For example, let’s say you have a blog about a healthy lifestyle, and you found these running shoes that are comfortable like nothing else. Simply share a link to the purchase, and every time someone buys these shoes using your link, you will get a nice percentage from the sale. The greatest part is that you did not have to make the shoes or deal with the shipping. You just shared something you love with your followers, and now you are getting paid for it!

How to Make Money

And now, the main question is how do you actually make money with affiliate marketing? The secret is simple, you just need to choose an affiliate program that pays a lot. They are not all the same, so do a quick research and find the ones that will pay you for the time spent and effort used. Some of them pay only a small percentage, while others will pay you a big chunk of the sale.

Do you know how all those bloggers and influencers earn money while writing and talking about products and services? The answer is – through affiliate marketing. It’s simple, you promote a product or a service and get a small kickback every time someone buys it through your link. But it gets even better – it’s no good doing it in just any way. Success comes when you focus on a niche. For eg. If I like vegetarian cooking, and you keep sending me great recipes and keep reviewing different vegetarian products, I am going to trust you more. You have a place online… now, your followers follow your recommendations. Oh, did I tell you that you need a lot of traffic? Yes, you do. The more people you attract to your little space, the higher your chances of making good money.

Well, here’s an interesting thought. As an affiliate marketer, you will become like a matchmaker… but of products! Every time your product makes an affiliate “fall in love” with your affiliate and make a purchase, you will earn a little more, courtesy of the affiliate fee! Haha… who knew that matchmaking would pay off?

Here are a few quick words of advice:

  • Be Authentic – do not endorse products you do not believe in. People can see through fakes.
  • Stay consistent: Keep updating your affiliate links. The better and more relevant your content, the more traffic (and sales) it will bring.
  • Keep checking out the data: Most affiliate programs do provide you with a dashboard. Use it. It will tell you which of your affiliate links are performing better.

Try it. If you are ready to convert your blog or social media account or YouTube channel into a cash cow, affiliate marketing can be a good start. Just a word of caution – it’s not a one-day marathon. Be consistent, and the results will start showing. In the end, who knows… you might be having coffee and still be earning in your dreams!

4. Online Courses and Coaching

Have you ever imagined that pretty much everything you know could actually turn into cash? Well, guess what? It totally can. If you’re knowledgeable about something—whether it’s graphic design, fitness, coding, or the craft of baking perfect sourdough bread, you can turn your expertise into an online course or a coaching program.

What to Do

Here’s the thing. If you know, you can teach others. Just think about it. How many times have you looked for something on the internet, found a course, and thought, “Hey, I could totally teach this”? Well, if you’ve ever had that thought, it’s time to put it to use. You can create your own course and sell it in places like Teachable or Kajabi. What’s so great about it is that you don’t have to deal with any of the technical stuff—just teach.

By the way, a little secret here—I’ve done it myself. A few years ago, I launched a mini-course on the basics of SEO (I know, sounds totally geeky, right? ). And you know what? I was so surprised to see how much interest there was. The thing is—people are always looking for more knowledge, and it feels even better when it comes from someone who’s been down the road before, right?

How It Generates Revenue

So how does creating an online course get you money? Well, here’s the thing. First—you price it. And let’s be honest—the course that is actually worth something, that is really in-depth and high quality, can easily go for $500 or even more. Now, let’s look at the actual number, shall we? Say, you’re selling just 20 courses a month. That’ll give you $10,000 a month. And you’d be surprised because it’s not magic. You just need to build the audience first. But of course, it does take some hustle. You’ve got to market your course, which can mean anything—from starting a blog to getting really active on social media to even running the ads.

Did you know that creating an online course or a coaching program is the next big thing in 2021? Oh, and it’s not just some short-living trends because. With everyone sticking to online things right now, it’s actually the best time to try.

Why do you think can be the motivation for learning something from the internet? Indeed, it boasts solid benefits. It’s less costly, accessible anytime & anywhere, and more convenient because you can choose the environment. Although it’s a good opportunity for students, it’s an even better chance for you! The majority of competitors have increased their tariffs so you can easily get your part of their market share.

Right here, you can read the step-by-step guide from our experts. The one that can change your business side and become a push-up in 2021. To create such a course, you have to know what to start with.

Pro tip: Build trust with your audience first. Give away some free content — blog posts, videos, or a webinar, so people know you’re the real deal. And when they’re looking to dive deeper? Boom, they’re buying your course. I know what you’re thinking: “But how do I even start?” Trust me, been there, and done that.

The answer will shock you… ready? Take one step at a time. To start, all you have to do is figure out what you want to teach. Ask yourself, “What can I offer that’ll genuinely help people?” Oh, and it doesn’t have to be perfect. The real adventure begins as soon as you take your first step.

5. Content Creation (YouTube, Blogs, Podcasts)

What to Do

Creating content online isn’t just about picking up a camera or writing a blog post and hoping for the best. It’s about diving into a niche you genuinely enjoy. Imagine talking non-stop about something you love—tech, travel, health, finance—whatever gets you excited! That passion? It’s what people want to see and read. Trust me, if you’re not having fun, your audience won’t either.

Here’s a fun tip: pick a niche that doesn’t just pay the bills, but also makes you feel good. Like, if you’re into travel, take your audience on your next adventure, showing the high points, the low points, and the hilarious ones. Block yourself out a ticket and go and make some videos. First, you could go for ads, and then go for sponsorships! or you could try affiliate marketing. There are no limits!

Pro tip: once you’re in your niche, you could also arrange some product sales to tip off your income even more. Say, your podcast’s logo looks awesome on a jacket—or why not make an e-book on budgeting?

How it works

Yes, building a decent following is time-consuming. Even better—once you are traveling, your audience increases more and more, just like a snowball. It starts small, and then with consistency, it gets bigger and bigger until it’s a huge thing, just like YouTube ads that bring you revenue when you’re sipping on coffee. It’s a great feeling!

And here’s the catch: the more consistent you get, the higher your reach. Your audience is used to the content, and they come back waiting for more. You could even compare it to a relationship: if you don’t call your friend for a year, you don’t become closer, do you?

Consider this: when I first opened my blog, I had had zero experience. I just wrote what I liked. And day by day, I understood what people like — and my reach started growing, fun fact: brands even started coming to me. The first time I earned it by a single bloody ad, I was hyped. I mean, I had actually received some money for the work I hadn’t even noticed! Interesting, huh?

Closing thoughts

Keep it fun! This is the key. Content shouldn’t be something one dreads sitting down and creating. As long as you love it, so does your audience. Try bringing some laughs into your work and pushing some of your personal style. Realism is addictive. And remember, a friend wants it to be as though they were spending time with another friend, not a robot! And we have had enough robots so far, huh? And so, on to creating your content and having a blast while you’re at it!

6. Stock Photography and Videography

If you are interested in earning some extra cash, it might be a good idea to try turning your passion for photography or filmmaking to good use. Stock photography might be the best path to making a sum of money while doing what you love. Let us investigate this business model and what one would need to know about it. What should you do: sell your creativity

It is probable that at some point, you have taken a pretty good picture or perhaps recorded a funny or moving video. How many times have you seen something beautiful and thought to yourself that probably some company would be happy to use it for their advertisement campaigns? If you have amazing pictures or videos, you can try selling them! Websites like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock are always interested in new contributions.

All you need to do is upload your pictures and videos, and whenever someone purchases and downloads them, you get a tiny royalty. It might not seem like much, but the more carefully you consider what pictures or videos you upload, the bigger the chances that someone will buy them. Therefore, stock photography truly is a case of planting seeds: the more you plant now, the more likely you are to harvest something later.

Moreover, who knows – probably one day you will stumble upon your picture in an exciting advertisement for some really popular product, and it would be so nice to see that you have contributed to such a good or interesting work!

How would that work: small efforts bringing a big outcome

One could say that the per-sale royalty will not make you a millionaire, probably even a hundred naira yet, anytime soon. At the beginning of your freelance journey, every sold media item might bring you a few cents or, if the company or person buying the media has acquired a license, a few dollars. However, that depends on a numbers game: as your portfolio grows and larger numbers of people are downloading your media, these small profits start adding up. In some time, it may start resembling a jar full of coins – which is not much when you have just one or two but starts making more difference when you have accumulated one or even several boxes.

The most fun you can have with stock photography or videography is consistency. If you are able to produce high-quality demand content at pace, then you will be amazed by how much the money can start to roll in. Not to mention, how priceless the pride you can feel when you see someone actually using your work! An Action, If You Will: My First Sale So the fun thing first, I’ll start off with a small anecdote to show you where I’m coming from.

One of my first photos that ever sold on a stock website was a picture of a bench in a park on a very foggy morning. The farthest thing I ever thought was that it would sell. I was actually putting it up as a bit of an experiment to see how it all works. Then one random morning not too long after that, I woke up to an email saying somebody had bought one of my photos.

Just like that, I was richer by a few cents. Meaning, that I wasn’t rich to begin with in the first place, but it still felt like winning the lottery, so I started putting a lot more photos on there, to see how much I could actually make. The funny thing was, not necessarily everything you post that you believe is pure unadulterated gold will get any views or sales, but same as ideas, that’s the game with stock photography. You never know which around will be the hit!


So, if you have a decent camera or even a good smartphone, why not give stock photography and videography a try? It is fun, creative, and who knows? You might even turn your hobby into a nice little side income. And don’t forget that, like every good side hustle, the key to succeeding is staying consistent. Keep shooting, keep uploading, but most importantly, keep having fun. Because if you take joy in what you’re doing, and you’re making some money on the side, what’s not to love?

Now, is there anything holding you back? Go grab that camera, snap away, and start building that portfolio! And don’t forget to celebrate each and every sale, no matter how small!

7. Real Estate Investing (Online Platforms)

“Ding-dong!” sounds the doorbell. Open the door. “Hey! I am Mr. Landlord, the plumbing is leaking, the toilet is broken, the roof needs fixing, and you’ve gotta pay the rent.” Wait a second! Seriously, who wants to play this game? Well, with real estate investing through online platforms, you can think of it like getting a job as a “virtual landlord”—no tenant, toiletries, or termites involved. In simple words, it’s a win-win solution.

What to Do: Start Small, Think Big

You might be asking yourself, “What’s the easiest way?” The answer is obvious—crowdfunding platforms like Sell Opportunities for investing in real estate at prices. Websites like crowdfunding platforms Fundraise or RealtyMogul allow you to invest just a few dollars. Can you imagine that? Plus, you don’t have to put away millions of dollars to get started. Think of it like you and your friends are pooling money to buy a pizza but, in this case, you are buying real estate, and in place of pizza toppings, you get dividends. And the best part? You don’t have to spend the rest of your life being a landlord, these platforms manage the property and give you your fair share of profits, meaning you’re well on your way to building up that passive income!

How It Works: The Real Estate Revolution

The way Fundrise and RealtyMogul work is that you pool your money with other investors. Sounds familiar, right? You can use this method to invest in real estate projects. But these projects are not just any old real estate property, my friend. More often than not, it’s the deluxe apartment complex in the sky, commercial space, and sometimes high-end condos. Can you also imagine that you can start with just about $500 or even less on some platforms? The creators of these platforms claim that these properties will hopefully use rental income, combined with the properties increasing in value over time. Thus, as an investor, you can get a cut of the profits.

The most important part? You’ll never have to evict a tenant. Ever. Interesting, right?

The Returns: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Now, let’s talk about the juicy part—the returns. I know, it’s tempting to want a quick buck, but this type of investing is more of a slow burner. Think of it like planting a tree: it takes time to grow, but eventually, you’ll have a beautiful, shady spot to relax under. On average, many of these platforms offer returns ranging from 8-12% per year, depending on the real estate market. And while that might not make you a millionaire overnight, it’s a pretty decent way to build wealth over time without doing too much.

Personal Experience: Why I Love This

I’ve personally been investing in Fundrise for a couple of years now, and honestly, it’s been pretty sweet. At first, I was skeptical—because who isn’t, right? But once I started seeing those small returns coming in every quarter, I realized I didn’t have to be a real estate expert to make this work. It felt kinda like getting paid for doing nothing—okay, not nothing, but close enough!

Final Thoughts: You Can Do This!

At the end of the day, real estate investing through online platforms is an awesome way to dip your toes into the world of property without getting overwhelmed. Whether you’re looking for a side hustle or a long-term investment, platforms like Fundrise and RealtyMogul make it super easy to get started. And who knows? Maybe a few years down the line, you’ll be cashing in on those real estate returns and wondering why you didn’t start sooner.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s do this!

8. Print-on-Demand (Custom Products)

Have you ever thought that you can turn your idea into something that people can wear or use every day? Well, print-on-demand is here, I can assure you, a game changer for you. I know that you love design but you do not want to pack tons of things or worry about stocks of products that may never be sold. A garage full of t-shirts? No thanks. So, what can you do? The answer is super simple. Try Printful or Red Bubble. Everything is super easy. You can design almost anything — a shirt, a mug, or even a phone case. However, all you need to do is either to print some of the products or ship them. What is more, the best thing is you do not need to hold stocks and you earn money every time someone buys from you. You should not simply do it but do it with profits.

How Does It Work

  1. Create Your Design — think of something cool or funny! Maybe a weird quote or an absolute nonsense picture that you are sure that there are people to buy it. You do not need to be a top-tier designer or something similar. All you need is basic creativity. You can even use some of the free tools such as Canva. Super simple and AWESOME! Summer classes!
  • 2. Upload it to Printful/Red bubble — Printful or Red bubble will take care of your design so you need to paste it on your selected product. You can print almost anything. A hoodie or a mug. I think mugs are simply super cool! I mean, who does not want to drink coffee from a cup with a cool print on it?

If you are wondering about what to do next after someone buys your products through print-on-demand, I have good news for you. Once someone buys your product, the platform prints the product and ships it directly to the person who has bought it. To put it simply, you do nothing. To make it even better, you get a piece of the pie for it. As mentioned before, you do not have to worry about shipping or anything to do with the stock.

And how do I scale to $10,000 a month? Sounds impossible?

No, it is not! It is all about good marketing and spreading the word. You must get your designs out there and beyond. Social media is just one of the means you could use, but make sure when you use them, you use them well. You can invest some money into running ads. You can also contact an influencer and win him or her over. My friend started placing her t-shirt designs on Instagram and in a month or two, while being paid hardly anything, she was already making quite good money. Now there are big plans for the $10,000 amount.

Let us all face it and make a simple calculation

If you sell 500 t-shirts a month and earn $20 per t-shirt, then – voila! You have $10.000 in your pocket. Sounds ambitious, right? It makes sense to start from small. There are millions of examples of success, such as a t-shirt with a funny slogan. You will know it when you find it. Plus, have you ever wished to make money while being at home and without investing something big into that? Well, we might have an answer here. And moreover, it is fun! You can be as creative as you feel like and unlimitedly spread your ideas to the world. With a bit of luck, the world will love your ideas. Have you ever thought about waking up in the morning and sipping coffee out of the mug you have designed, holding it in your hand? It is fantastic! It is also extremely encouraging to see the products with your designs. And trust me, when I started, I could not stop! Grab your laptop, and your cup with a nice coffee, and prove me wrong – I bet you will love it.

9. Dropshipping

So, now let’s discuss this dropshipping thing, the way to make a business without accumulating even a single item. No, seriously. The supplier that you chose will send the item to the client directly and you won’t have to rent the whole storage area for that. Your garage will be free to use and no mess will be made. But wait! Do not rush and let me explain, how you can make money with dropshipping.

What to Do: Create and Develop a Dropshipping Business

Well, basically, in the dropshipping process, you are a middleman. However, this is nothing like being a middleman in other businesses. You create a website and fill it with popular items. A client buys an item and your supplier sends this item directly to the client. Like magic! But a very responsible one, because if something goes wrong, you won’t fade. You will be held responsible for everything. The right choice of the supplier is one of the basic steps. Believe me, you don’t want your clients to receive their orders too late or after all, to receive broken or poor-quality items. This is a real nightmare.

And you know what? When I just started, I even didn’t know where to search for a supplier. I spent my whole day scanning websites, comparing reviews, and, worried to death, finally chose some low-quality goods, wondering if someone would buy them from me. However, as I told you, I survived and you can too. Now this lesson is one of the main ones because a decent supplier is your partner. Even if you never see it. You should trust them in order to deliver the highest quality products on time.

Useful tip: start the process of marketing step by step. You can test it on a small scale first – maybe you can choose something that fits you or a product currently owl-trending. Things are always easier when you really care about the product you are going to sell.

How It Works: Concentrate on Marketing Sales Funnels

And here is where the fun begins. Or the frustration. Your main job is marketing. You are not to pack boxes or count an inventory. Your business is focused on how to make people click that “Buy” button. These are sales funnels. Sales funnels are your customers’ path from finding your product to going straight to “Purchase” and buying it. Imagine that you are on the first romantic date of your life. Now, to begin with, you need to impress them and show that your product is the only one. After that, let it be as smooth as possible, so they will not think twice before clicking “Purchase”. No tension, right?

Actually, the key points are your product and your market. You can create the best funnel in the universe, but if one wants your product, it will be quite useless. So will be your product if you are targeting monkeys in the North Pole ice desert? When I started, I wanted to sell anything. So the funny consequence of my ignorance happened. Stick to some small niche, still enough to broaden your range of goods. So, you will always realize what customers want and try to implement it.

Oh, and remember your best friends, social media. Tell me which other free media can be better than Instagram, Facebook, or even TikTok. So, get as much as you can out of your friends. Or even invest in paid ads. They have the most hidden treasures within.

10. Stock Trading or Cryptocurrency

Ok, so let’s start by discussing something that’s on everyone’s mind these days. Stock trading and cryptocurrency, that is. You may be just like the majority of the population and ask yourself: Is it something for me? Should I try trading stocks, options, or maybe even crypto? So, let’s first get to know what you should be doing.

What to Do: The Big Decision

Ok, so if you are in for the quick gains, you may want to consider day trading stocks or even some crypto. Think of it as catching a butterfly—it’s quick, needs a little move, and you stay ready. It may also pay off more if you’re just getting into meme stocks. However, if you’re willing to wait for a while, investing in good old stocks or holding onto your crypto for some time. And let me tell you, that can pay off like nothing else. It’s understandable that deciding which way to go might get confusing. After all, you hear about someone buying a pizza with some Bitcoins and becoming rich – and then you hear about someone losing everything. So, the best way to approach it is to dabble in both worlds, if you wish at all. Try some stocks, try some crypto, but be ready for the folds. In the case of the stock, you might want to use a baking analogy, like preparing more than one tray of cookies. Don’t put all your dough into one tray – in case one burns out, you’re still left with others. The same goes for investing! Don’t hesitate to spread the risk a little. Learn it here and carry the knowledge out there! How It Works: Navigating the Risky World

That’s the part where things get a little bit tougher. Whether it’s stocks or crypto, it’s a risky road. That’s a bummer, no doubt but hold on a minute—believe it or not, you can indeed make a lot of money if you play it right. And by playing it right, I mean taking some time to educate yourself. Try familiarizing yourself with technical analysis and charts. Apply some of your newfound understanding of fundamental analysis to stay in the loop with the stock trading world. You can also look up the real-world value of the means of crypto you choose to work with.

It’s kinda like trying to surf, right? At first, you’re just trying to stay on the board. But after a while, with enough practice, you can start catching the waves. That’s what experienced traders do—they know when to jump in and when to pull back. But here’s a little tip from me to you: Don’t rush it. Yeah, it’s tempting to jump headfirst into the world of crypto or options trading after hearing a success story. But every seasoned trader will tell you—it’s the research that matters most.

Real-Life Example: Let me tell you a quick story. I once knew a guy who got into crypto because, well, it was the thing. Without learning the basics, he bought a random coin. Guess what? He lost most of it within a month. Ouch. It was a hard lesson, but a good one: Know what you’re doing before you dive in.

Balancing Risks with Rewards

The excitement of seeing prices soar is, honestly, a rush. But it can also be terrifying when things go south—fast. Stocks tend to be a little less crazy, while crypto… well, it’s like a rollercoaster. Some days are great, other days you just want to hide under the covers. The Key Takeaway? Always be prepared for the unexpected. Whether you’re trading stocks, options, or crypto, remember: It’s not always about winning big—it’s about managing risks and not letting emotions dictate your moves.

Pro Tip: If you ever feel overwhelmed, take a step back. Sometimes, the best move is to do nothing and let the markets settle. Like in a poker game, knowing when to fold is just as important as knowing when to bet.

Final Thoughts

Well, at the end of the day, there are pros and cons of both stock trading and crypto. To me, it’s all about striking a balance—and making sure that you’re not making decisions in the dark. I mean, would you jump into a pool when you’re not sure if there’s water? I’d think better of that.

So, my take is that if you’re new, start slow and put in a little work to understand the basics. I know it can get pretty overwhelming, but don’t let the hype get to you. Besides, with the right strategy, who knows? Soon enough, it might be you on the other end, telling other people how you got it made!

So, what’s your plan of action? Are you team stocks, team crypto, or both? Let me know and drop any questions in the comment section! I’m sure you have a lot to dish about your trading or crypto experience. Let’s learn together.

Pro Tips:

Consistency is Key

All right, let’s talk about consistency for a minute. Imagine you wanted to learn to play guitar – you don’t just pick it up one day and expect to be Jimi Hendrix, do you? Instead, you practice a little piece every day, showing up day after day to make small improvements. That’s true whether we’re talking about writing, the copy-paste generation, or starting any kind of business. You have to stick with it. On some of those days, though, when you’re feeling less inspired than usual, try to keep the momentum going by doing at least one tiny task a day. That way, “staying consistent” won’t feel the same as “working like a robot” – it’ll just mean focusing instead.

For instance, did you know that people who follow routines are 42% more likely to achieve their goals? It’s pretty safe to say that’s not just good luck!

Next, marketing – because that’s how you’ll get people to pay attention to your work. Whether you focus on SEO, kill it on social media, or spend your time looking up b2b marketing agencies, it doesn’t matter – as long as people know you’re good at what you’re doing! Why else waste time creating content, products, or learning skills if you keep them for yourself? Marketing is your secret weapon for scale!

When I started, I believed that simply having a great blog would result in a readership explosion. Spoiler alert, it didn’t. Everything changed once I started taking SEO and social media seriously. The best part? You don’t have to be an overnight advertising expert. Just start testing. Some of your attempts might fail, but that’s how you understand what works. It’s like cooking. You have to get the balance of ingredients just right, adding a pinch of this and a handful of that before it all becomes perfect.

By the way, you really feel like you’ve won the lottery once you see the results – whether it’s more followers, higher rankings, or even, finally, paying customers. It’s never the jackpot, more like a scratch card win. Still, it’s pretty awesome.

Diversify your efforts like a pro

Okay, let’s talk about diversification. You must have heard these words of wisdom: “Do not put all your eggs in one basket.” That’s never been truer than in terms of making money. Relying on a single revenue stream is a dangerous game. What if it dries up? Oh, the horror. That is why you should experiment and divide your energy between various frontiers – freelancing, e-commerce, writing, or whatever activity you fancy the most.

I can speak from personal experience. I began freelancing until I got bored and added a tiny e-commerce side hustle. Content creation came last. Sure, at times, I feel like a professional plate-spinner. If one aspect slows down, the other two ensure you keep moving. That’s not all, is it? After all, who doesn’t want to feel a bit more secure? Trying different methods reduces all possible risks and increases your odds of making a killing.


Well, that’s pretty much it. Consistency, marketing, and diversification – three simple but cool strategies that you can keep in mind while reaching your goals. Think of it as building your house – a strong basis, some shiny things that everybody can see, and a backup plan in case things go wrong. You’re doing great!

Now, I’m curious – what’s your ultimate strategy at the moment? Do you have any tips that work wonders for you?

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